Sat, 27 April 2024





Potatoes Against Sunburns

With temperatures soaring all over Europe, even if you live in the North you might be at risk of sunburns. If this happens, you might have a useful remedy right in your kitchen.

Avoid this remedy if your burn develop blisters, but it is perfect for the occasional overexposure to the sun, especially if your skin is not used to it.

Take one or two potatoes, peel them and place them in a blender until they become a paste. If it is too dry add a little water.

Spread the paste on a gauze and place it on the sunburns. The relief is almost immediate.

Ideally you should change the dressing every hour, but even an occasional application will give some results.

Photo: Gorgeous


Date: 21 July 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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