Fri, 19 April 2024





Quality Ink For Your Tattoo

A new study led by Hiram Castillo from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in France claims that a particular component used by some manufacturers to produce certain coloured inks used in tattoo art could lead to cancer.

Chemicals in tattoo ink travel in the bloodstream and accumulate in the lymph nodes, which may cause them to become swollen and therefore hinder their ability to fight infections.

Titanium dioxide is the second most commonly used ingredient in tattoo ink.

The controversial chemical, which is added to create certain colours, even dyes lymph nodes, and has previously been linked to cancer, itching and delayed healing.

Its whitening and thickening properties means it is also added to washing detergents, fragrances, air fresheners and paint, as well as being used in cooling liquids in fridges and as a lubricant in motor oil.

On June 9 2017, the European Chemicals Agency announced titanium dioxide is a substance suspected of causing cancer when inhaled.

The researchers used powerful X-rays to identify titanium dioxide and heavy metals present in tattooed skin and lymph node tissue samples. Although particles of varying sizes are found in the skin, only highly microscopic titanium dioxide fragments are present in the nodes, which may cause them to become swollen.

"No one checks the chemical composition of the colours, but our study shows that maybe they should,” said Castillo.

The findings were published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Photo: Pinterest


Date: 15 September 2017
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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