Thu, 18 April 2024





The 10 Factors of BMR

BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate - is the energy your body burns just to keep functioning at rest.

It can be helpful to know what factors affect your metabolism, as some of them are within your control. Even knowing you have factors you can't control may be useful as it can motivate you to compensate for the issue, perhaps by being more vigilant about your diet and exercise.

Here are 10 factors that affect BMR and metabolism:

1. Muscle mass – Muscle requires more energy to function than fat. So the more muscle tissue you carry, the more energy your body needs just to exist.

2. Age – As you get older, your metabolic rate generally slows. This is partly because of a loss of muscle tissue, and also because of hormonal and neurological changes.

3. Body size – People with bigger bodies tend to have a larger BMR because they usually have larger internal organs and fluid volume to maintain. Taller people have a larger skin surface, which means their bodies may have to work harder to maintain a constant temperature.

4. Gender – As men are usually larger than women, they generally have faster metabolisms.

5. Genetics – This can also play a role in whether you have a slower or faster metabolism, and some genetic disorders can also affect your metabolism.

6. Physical activity – Regular exercise increases muscle mass and encourages your body to burn kilojoules at a faster rate, even when at rest.

7. Hormonal factors – Hormonal imbalances caused by certain conditions, including hypo- and hyperthyroidism, can affect your metabolism.

8. Environmental factors – The weather can also have an effect on your metabolism; if it is very cold or very hot, your body has to work harder to maintain its normal temperature and that increases the metabolic rate.

9. Drugs – Caffeine and nicotine can increase your metabolic rate, while medications including some antidepressants and anabolic steroids can contribute to weight gain regardless of what you eat.

10. Diet – Certain aspects of your diet can also affect metabolism. For instance if you don't have enough iodine for optimal thyroid function, it can slow down your metabolism. That's why a stay near the sea can have you losing weight.

Photo: Fit Sugar


Date: 30 September 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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