Wed, 24 April 2024





The Best Sleeping Position

All sleeping positions have their pros and cons.

Back sleeping is the best for minimizing face, neck and décolleté wrinkles, and also acid reflux, if you struggle with that issue. As long as your neck is supported and in alignment with the rest of your spine, back sleeping is also considered the best for spine health. But you are more likely to snore, especially if you have a cold.

Side sleeping can be beneficial for this problem, and it's good for blood circulation. Pregnant women, especially, find it the most comfortable position. But it could cause fine lines on the side of the face you most often sleep, as well as on the neck and chest. If it gives you shoulder or hip pain, try to have the neck in the same plane as the rest of your spine.

Stomach sleeping keeps airways more open, it is fine for those without back issues. But it is the worst for wrinkles - as anyone who has woken up with their pillow's wrinkles imprinted on their face can attest. It can also put stress on the lower back, so those with back problems should avoid it. Or they can place thinner pillow under the hips to help keep the back on the same plane as the spine. In alternative, try stomach sleeping without any pillow for the best position for your spine.

Photo: Web Fun


Date: 30 July 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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