Fri, 19 April 2024





The Free Cows Of Sochi

Everyone is angry in Sochi: bloggers, citizens, authorities, public and livestock owners. A singular plea appeared on one of the most followed blogs about the Winter Olympics that are about to start in Sochi. It reads "Dear livestock owners, please keep your cattle in the yard. If you have no idea about how to live in a city and want to turn the Olympic capital into a village, you are mistaken as you won't get away with it". Because cows roam free in the streets of the Russian town, causing a series of inconveniences that are deemed not worth of an Olympic capital.
Photos of the cattle wandering on pavements and roads are online illustrating the surreal sight. Now the question is: should the inhabitants and farmers change their habit for the Olympics or are they entitled to carry on with their custom? Do major events like this have the right tho alter, even for short, local lifelong habits? And what part have economic interests in all this?

Photo: Bred Po Sochinski


Date: 31 January 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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