Tue, 23 April 2024





The Recreated Monument

In Sofia, Bulgaria, there is a monument dedicated to the Soviet Army. Not without rhetoric, it represents a series of soldiers heroically fighting in battle. But in the course of time the monument became the blank canvas for political comments. It all started when it was painted in pink overnight by "vandals", which completed the makeover with the words "Bulgaria apologises", a reference to the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.
In 2011 Santa and Ronald McDonald equipped it with the words "Moving with the times", transforming the soldiers in superheroes, with Superman and Santa immediately recognizable among the others.
August last year it was the turn of the Pussy Riot quotation, with the soldiers hooded with pastel colour balaclava. And now it displays the central figure of a soldier painted in blue and yellow, like the flag in the background as a tribute to the Ukrainian upheaval. Creativity and art, a way to comment reality in an imaginative way.

Photo: BBC


Date: 27 February 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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