Tue, 16 April 2024





The Secret Strength Of Morganite

Healing and compassion accompany the presence of morganite. This gentle, soft pink stone takes you by the hand in the hard process of coming to terms with ancient spiritual wounds.

This gem offers an opening to divine compassion that enables a vision of purpose even of traumatic experiences. Events become part of a consistent path towards peace and self-confidence. Morganite brings joy and a secret, inner strength to the wearer.

Its capacity to bring to light the unexpressed needs and frustration makes morganite a stone of revelation of the self. The feminine and the masculine element are revealed, with both sexes attaining awareness and knowledge of themselves together with a stronger sense of identity.

Morganite helps receiving direction and wisdom from superior guides. It encourages reverence and respect for all forms of life and for Nature.

The heart chakra is linked to morganite and also the physical heart benefits from its close proximity. It can boost treatments for asthma and tuberculosis, in relation with the respiratory tract. Chest ailments are within its power of action.

Photo: Mineral Miners


Date: 9 August 2015
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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