Sat, 27 April 2024





The Truth of a Photograph

Brian Adams is a worldwide musician. But the Canadian rockstar is also an outstanding photographer.

Four years of pictures taken on a very special subject are now published in "Wounded: The Legacy of War".

His specialty is portrait. But when the portrayed person is a soldier that survived Afghanistan with horrible mutilations, the task is not easy.

There is often a morbid curiosity that makes the onlooker eager to see, but Adams has the ability to show wounds and missing limbs openly, candidly, without tact, but managing at the same time to outweigh the horror with the full humanity of the man. Which is there with his haircut, an ironic tattoo, sometimes the attitude of a model, sporting a cigarette in his only hand. Persons somewhat in control of their new shape, where a sense of character and identity is after all winning over everything, is intact despite the horrific damages inflicted to their bodies.

This trait of humanity is the most powerful message that overwhelms us when seeing Adams' pictures. Not an easy task, but fully accomplished.

Photo: Brian Adams


Date: 16 November 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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