Sat, 20 April 2024





The Turning Point

Mid-August is a somewhat strange moment. Very much felt in Italy, where it is a national holiday, the 15th of August signals that Summer, with its feelings of vacation and lightheartedness, is over. Something reminds us that it is time to resume work, studies, whatever we are busy with normally.

To this respect we can consider it a sort of unwritten New Year's Eve. The cyclic element of life that came with the habit of going to school after the peak of Summer leads many of us to think and to feel in these terms.

Well, if it is your case, we wish you a happy return to your usual occupations. Hopefully after a period of relaxation and travel to the discovery of some new part of the world - or of ourself.

Photo: St Charles Row


Date: 15 August 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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