Fri, 26 April 2024





Tofurkey, Anyone?

Old habits die hard. That of a turkey on the table on special occasions can be one of them.

But now even vegans can have their Tofurkey.

It’s a meat substitute in the form of a loaf or casserole of vegetarian protein, usually made from tofu (soybean protein) or seitan (wheat protein) with a stuffing made from grains or bread, flavoured with a broth and seasoned with herbs and spices.

It is oven-roasted or baked and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It can be homemade or purchased ready-made and frozen from multiple sources such as health food stores or specialty grocers, or ordered online and shipped in insulated packing.

Tofurkey firs appeared on the market in 2006.

Photo: Inc


Date: 27 December 2016
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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