Sat, 20 April 2024





Venom For Life

How do surgeons recognise healthy tissue from cancer? Sometimes the difference is not that obvious.

A paediatric brain surgeon, Dr Jim Olson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle, is trying a fascinating new technique.

Scorpions are notorious for their poisonous sting. The same poison, as it often happens in nature, has also other applications. A special one is that it is able to make cancerous cells visible.

Tumour Paint is a drug that attaches to tumour cells, and glows. It is produced using peptides from the Deathstalker (Leiurus quinquestriatus), a species of scorpion with a paralysing sting.

While operating, surgeons can use a visual aid that shows clearly the fluorescence. Operation become thus easier and more precise.

Thanks to what nature intended to be a deadly weapon today we are able to save more lives.

Dr. Olson's research is funded by a crowdfunding project.

Photo: WIM


Date: 8 October 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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