Fri, 26 April 2024





With The Help Of Music

Music interventions are able to alleviate symptoms of anxiety, pain and fatigue in cancer patients while also helping to boost their quality of life.

A US study of more than 3700 cancer patients says music interventions of all kinds resulted in moderate-to-strong effects in reducing patients' anxiety.

There was also a large benefit for treating pain, while a small-to-moderate treatment effect was found for fatigue.

Small reductions in heart and respiratory rates as well as lowered blood pressure were also linked to music interventions, according to the study.

Lead author Associate Professor Joke Bradt, from Drexel University, says they are important findings as these outcomes play an important role in the overall well-being of patients.

In light of the benefits to cancer patients' quality of life, and specifically their levels of anxiety, pain and fatigue, the researchers hope music interventions will become more widespread.

Photo: VeRu


Date: 25 August 2016
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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