Fri, 26 April 2024

Public Profiles



Public Profile

Anne Gordon De Barrigón

Address: - Panama City - PA
Tel: 01 661 474-4111
Categories: Alternative Tour Operators and Agencies
Activities:Meetings and events:0Web sites:0Videos:2Publications:0


I run Spiritually themed Whale & Dolphin watching trips. I am based in the country of Panama were we are blessed with being the only place in the world where we have Humpback whales who come from both the Southern and Northern hemispheres to breed and give birth. We have a 99% sightings record during our peak season, July-October. We offer transformational spiritually themed 5 day trips where we often have a guest facilitator to combine their teachings of Shamnic Journeys, Animal Communication, Meditation, Yoga, Journaling, etc. with spending each day immersed in the healing energies of the whales and dolphins.

I am a certified Dolphin Energy Healing Practitioner and can provide individual and group energy healings during our whale & dolphin trips or on an individual level in person or distance sessions over the phone.

I am married to an Emberá Indigenous man whose family and tribe still live in traditional villages in the jungles of Panama as they have for thousands of years. They are a warm, open hearted people who welcome meeting people from around the world and sharing their culture and traditions with them. My husband and I run tours out to his village. Emberá Village Tours.


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