Fri, 03 May 2024

Public Profiles



Public Profile

"The CircleWay" SummerCamp And Seminars With Manitonquat&Ellika

Tel: +3933892740622
Categories: Personal Development
Activities:Meetings and events:0Web sites:0Videos:1Publications:0


What is a Summer-Camp

It is an encounter for everyone, elderly, youth, children, families, singles. Through the wisdom of Native Americans, Manitonquat shows us how we can find balance within ourselves, with others and the whole of creation. In a climate of deep respect and gratitude towards Life, Mother Earth, and his children, we will live the ancestral delCerchio size and the Clan (innermost circle). Manitonquat and Ellika will offer sessions on the family, on the relationship with their children or with their parents and the positive and creative relationship between persons of a group.

We will learn the use of the talking stick (stick of the word) and the Supportive listening (Co-listening), tools for effective communication. We will hear stories of the Wampanoag, and we will know the "original instructions." We will live the profound experience of the Sweat lodge (hut sweat and) the evening will be an opportunity to enhance and share our talents with stories, songs, dances and joy.

The circle

Circle means meeting at par, without someone who is up or down, which is in front or behind. Not competition but collaboration, cooperation, support, support and especially heart.

The talking stick in the circle

(The word stick)

The Circle is an ancient Native American tradition that comes to us thanks to Manitonquat teachings.

The main rule of the Circle is respect.

The principle is the same as the Supportive listening ,: the person holding the talking stick has the right to speak and be listened to with attention and respect.

Who has the stick speaks from the heart, it can open in peace, knowing that receive attention and respect from others without being judged or interrupted. It will create empathy of the group with the opportunity to go into the depth of the feelings of each of us, taking care of old wounds and rediscovering the joy and lightness of the circle.

supportive listening

It 'an active listening mode and mutual.

A way to be present and aware of giving and receiving attention.

During this space will create conditions of extreme trust and respect that stimulate sharing.

An agreed, short space of time, equally divided to listen and speak in turn.

We talk while the other listens with full attention to the words and emotions of the other, without having to judge what happens. With practice listening becomes more and more active, participatory and aware.

Capanna sweat

We will live the unforgettable experience of the Sweat Lodge (sweat lodge) ancient rite of prayer and purification that will take us in the womb of Mother Earth for the healing of mind, body and spirit, reconnecting with the four elements: the energy of the stones (ground) hot (fire) blessed the water will come to us through the breath (air)

In an ode to the everyday our spirit Life rises and balances with It, recreating the conditions relate in wisdom and in full living and care towards our fellow humans.

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