Sun, 28 April 2024





“Les Arcanes d’Arianne .G”


78 days to understand the tarot, with 1 card per day
22 days for the major arcana
56 days for the minor arcana
And all your life to perfect yourself
Come and discover the free training video trailer
78 jours pour comprendre le tarot, avec 1 carte par jours
22 jours pour les arcanes majeurs
56 jours pour les arcanes mineurs
Et toute votre vie pour vous perfectionner
Venez découvrir la bande-annonce en vidéo de formation gratuite


Suggested by: Arianne .G Voyance
Uploaded on the: 30 November 2023    Link: Go to video
Public Profile:

Arianne .G Voyance

Arianne .G Voyance is the divinatory center of the French clairvoyant and fortune-teller Arianne .G With her 15 years of experience, she became an independent professional only in 2017 and she is exercised and perfected on a voluntary basis in different practices and several supports such as tarot…

Fortune Telling, Tarots, I-Ching, Kabbalah...
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