Sat, 27 April 2024




Boost Your Brain Power!

According to a new study a few laps of the stairs can help your brain just as much as a long walk or bike ride.
That's the upshot of a new meta-analysis of 28 studies, which examined the link between exercise and cognitive functions like planning, multi-tasking and remembering instructions.
"Our analysis over all these studies has found that high-intensity exercise does provide improvement to brain function in a similar way to longer periods of exercise,” said Dr David Moreau, of the University of Auckland's School of Psychology.
High-intensity exercise was generally regarded as working out at two-thirds of your maximum heart rate – and those shorter exercise periods explored in the research generally ranged from one to 20 minutes.
In contrast, low-intensity exercise could be walking, jogging, or cycling at a relatively slow pace, usually for more than 30 minutes.
Beyond well-known benefits for fitness and heart health, the study suggested high-intensity exercise could also be the key to healthier brains and sharper minds.


Date: 15 August 2019Author: Photo: Brain power
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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