Sun, 16 February 2025

Spiritual and Holistic Events Directory

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Click on the titles below for more information about spiritual and holistic events in your area. For entering your event, click on "Suggest an Event" and let the world know about your activity.

Event  -  Faith Healing, Faith Healing Practice

Flux Day - Become a Holistic Operator Pranotherapy Crystallotherapy Channeling

Flux is the reference event dedicated to the world of subtle energies. You will discover what prana, ether and astral are in a special evening at which you will understand if you have the gift to be a…
Ancona (AN)
Travel / Holidays / Retreats  -  Meditation
From  12/07/2025  to  26/07/2025

Toque do Brasil - Regenerative and Energy-Spiritual Expansion Holiday

**TOQUE DO BRASIL Regenerative and Energy-Spiritual Expansion Holiday with Stefano Petrucci 12-26 July 2025 Boipeba Island - Salvador de Bahia Stefano invites you to a one-of-a-kind…
Salvador de Bahia
Travel / Holidays / Retreats  -  Spiritual Regeneration
From  15/06/2023  to  18/06/2023

Holistic Vacation in Maremma

Come spend 4 days of wellness and awareness in the seaside countryside of Pescia Romana (VT). But not only relaxation: At Domus Akasha you will participate in sessions of A.Mo.Re. (Attention Movement…
Montalto di Castro (VT)
Travel / Holidays / Retreats  -  Meditation
From  11/11/2023  to  18/11/2023

Holistic Tour “The Way of Breath” Sahara Tunisia

“The Way of Breath” In the of Sahara Holistic Desert Experience hosted by Atmo Dhara & Irene Sameera the Holistic Tour Journey in the deep South of Tunisia in collaboration with Alì Bouki and…
Parc National Jbil (TUNISIA)
Lecture  -  Religion: Research and Studies
From  25/11/2023  to  22/12/2023

Discriminazione e violenza sulla donna, patriarcato e religioni patriarcali

Conferenza seminariale esperienziale di Lucilla Sperarti, replicata un sabato al mese a Milano zona Solari 'Discriminazione e violenza sulla donna,figlie dell'ignoranza, del patriarcato, religioni…
Milano (MI)

Calendar of Events:


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Travel / Holidays / Retreats

Toque do Brasil - Regenerative and Energy-Spiritual Expansion Holiday

Salvador de Bahia  -  From  12/07/2025  to  26/07/2025

Discriminazione e violenza sulla donna, patriarcato e religioni patriarcali

Milano (MI)  -  From  25/11/2023  to  22/12/2023
Travel / Holidays / Retreats

Holistic Tour “The Way of Breath” Sahara Tunisia

Parc National Jbil (TUNISIA)  -  From  11/11/2023  to  18/11/2023

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