Sat, 27 July 2024



Privacy Policy

Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30/06/2003 (Code concerning the protection of personal data) provides for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data.

The law in question the use of personal data "any operation or set of operations, carried out without the aid of electronic instruments, concerning the collection, recording, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification , selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, erasure and destruction of data, even if not registered in a database. "
The undersigned Company, as Owner of the treatment, with the signing and execution of contracts, that the information classified by the law as personal, supplied directly by you or collected by third parties (network of agents and distributors as individuals belonging to the commercial organization of the company, commercial information companies or registers, lists or public databases for information relating to the financial solvency, etc.)., verbally, or traceable to company name, company address, VAT code Social Security number, telephone and fax, electronic mail address, as well as data related to economic and commercial, such as the bank, will be processed in accordance with regulations established by the aforementioned Legislative Decree 196/2003. and obligations of fairness, legality and confidentiality.

We are not in possession of any data classified as sensitive or of a judicial nature in art. 4, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree no. N. 196/2003.
Pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, therefore, we provide the following information.
The purposes for which personal data relating to you are treated relate to:
a) legal obligations related to legal, tax, accounting, regulations and legislation, etc..;
b) fulfillment of provisions issued by authorities empowered by law and by the supervisory authorities;
c) implementation of agreed contracts and the related obligations;
d) administrative, financial, organizational and commercial relationship;
e) protection of contractual rights of the undersigned company, even in the litigation;
f) marketing or direct sales through the sending of advertising material and offers by e-mail, fax and postal mail;
g) commercial communications regarding products or services;
Your personal data are processed in printed, electronic and telematic subject to the provisions of the law in order to guarantee privacy and security, as well as the accuracy, currency and relevance of the data to the stated purposes.
The provision of data for the purposes referred to in points a), b), c), d), e) is strictly related to the contractual relationship and necessary to fulfill the obligations imposed by laws, regulations or legislation. Any refusal to provide such data will make it impossible for this company to proceed with contractual relations.

The processing of data for the purposes referred to in paragraphs f) and g) is optional and therefore, in case of your refusal, there are no consequences if not impossible to implement initiatives to improve our service to you in respect and to keep your information updated on the progress of our offer.
Without prejudice to the communications made to comply with obligations laid down by law, regulation or legislation, the data may be communicated in Italy and abroad to the subjects and categories of subjects listed below:
Organizations or associations;
Authorities or public institutions;
Our sales network (agents and distributors);
Credit Institutions;
Debt collection company;
Consulting companies and business;
Business information companies;
And Professional partners such as Accountants, Solicitors and design;
Companies operating in the transport sector;
Customs agents.
Those categories that the data for the same purposes as defined above as independent owners. This notice must also issued on behalf of the latter who will therefore not be required to implement this provision for your company. The list of names of persons to whom your information may be disclosed is at your disposal at the Data Controller.

There is no dissemination of personal data, meaning that it shall give knowledge to undetermined by any means, including by making them available for consultation.>
The categories of persons who may become aware of personal data as managers and / or charge are:
clerical staff and business management;
service workers, purchasing and logistics;
service personnel administration, finance and control;
involved in the management and maintenance of computer systems;
Our collaborators specifically authorized to process such data in accordance with the instructions received and the pursuit of the abovementioned aims.
The data will be processed for the entire duration of the contract and even after the completion of all legal obligations and for future commercial purposes).

The data subjects can exercise the rights under Art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. N. 196/2003 within the limits and conditions laid down in Articles 8, 9 and 10 of the said Decree. In particular, you can request and obtain confirmation from our company of the personal data that concerns you and that such data be made available to you in an intelligible form to know the origin of the data and the logic and purpose on where the processing is based; well as the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, the updating, rectification and integration of the data. You can also oppose, on legitimate grounds, in whole or in part, to the same treatment. To exercise your rights, as well as more detailed information about the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the data are disclosed or that they are aware of them as managers and / or employee, you can ask your request to the owner of treatment, identified below, to fax number +39 049 8808951 or e-mail
The owner of the data is Gruppo 4 s.r.l. Via Carducci, 26 - 35123 Padua - IT - E.U.

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