Tue, 22 October 2024



Conditions of Sale

1.0 Contract of sale of advertising on SPIRITUAL

The service of selling advertising on SPIRITUAL, "also called" Service ", managed by Gruppo 4 Srl is provided to you (hereinafter" User ") under the terms and conditions set out in these General Conditions of Contract sale of advertising space on SPIRITUAL and any changes to these, including the operating rules or general rules or guidelines of the company (called a "Agreement").
GROUP 4 S.R.L. - SPIRITUAL (hereinafter referred to as "SPIRITUAL") reserves the right, at any time, in its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove all or part of the General Conditions of the Contract. You will receive notice of any changes or modifications in accordance with the requirements of Section 14.0 relating to communications.

1.1 By accepting the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you represent and warrant that: (a) to be greater than 18 years (eighteen), (b) to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as requested and indicated in Registration Forms, and (c) to maintain and update this information to ensure that they comply with true, accurate, current and complete. Where were some of the information you provide is false, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, SPIRITUAL has the right to terminate the Service provided to you and / or to refuse any current or future demand for use of the Service by the User.

1.2 By completing the registration process, you accept the terms of the "contract." If these terms and conditions or any possible future change is unacceptable to the user, they may withdraw from the Agreement as provided in Section 6.0 relating to the termination of service.

2.0 Description of the sales service of SPIRITUAL

The service package includes all offers of promotion within the portal and newsletter SPIRITUAL associated with it, however, and any and all services indicated in the specific page of the site "Promotions and Special Offers"

3.0 Declarations by User

You represent and warrant that: (a) be the rightful owner of the URL or in an illustrative and not exhaustive of all logos, trademarks, logos or any other identifying mark or distinctive or associated with the URL specified in your account (b) be an employee of the legal owner of the URL, or to any trademark logo or the URL, or (c) have obtained written permission from the rightful owner of the URL, or by way of example and without limitation, any other identifying mark or distinctive associate or relative URL to allow use in conjunction with the Service. You agree to indemnify SPIRITUAL for any claims by third parties resulting from the use of the Service with the specified URL, including, without limitation and without limitation, trademarks, logos or any other identifying mark or distinctive the URL specified at the time of registration.

4.0 Units of subscription

You will have to pay the subscription fee SPIRITUAL suitable for the specified service. Subscription fees depend on the type of service package selected at time of purchase.

5.0 Changing the category of Search Engine SPIRITUAL

In the case of requests for advertising space requiring placement in channels or specific categories of Search Engine, SPIRITUAL reserves the right to vary at any time the category pre-selected by the user upon registration, with the aim of maintain a logical input based on the methodology adopted by cataloging SPIRITUAL. You represent, in the case of payment of the service, to accept any shift in another channel spiritual or subcategory.

6.0 Termination of Service

6.1 Both the User SPIRITUAL can discontinue the Service for any reason and at any time with immediate effect and without prior notice. SPIRITUAL may terminate the Service by sending written notice to you via registered mail with return receipt or by e-mail by SPIRITUAL User. Notices of termination of the Service by you shall be sent by e-mail to staff@spiritual.eu.
SPIRITUAL is not liable to you or any third party for termination of Service. If the user were to be contrary to the terms and conditions of the "Agreement" or any modification, or is deemed to have dissatisfied the Service, You must immediately: (1) discontinue use of the Service, (2) terminate your Service; and (3) inform SPIRITUAL termination. Immediately after the statement you want to discontinue use of the Service, the User's right to use the Service immediately ceases. Upon receipt of notice of any intention of wanting to discontinue the Service, SPIRITUAL shall have no obligation to submit information related to you. Where required the payment of a membership fee on a half-yearly or yearly, you can cancel it at any time and SPIRITUAL not require any fee for other periods. The amounts paid for the subscriptions are not refundable.

6.2 In the event of Termination, the User agrees to SPIRITUAL the right to remove any moment all the URLs and / or lists of elements, without reimburse User 'anything for breach of Section 3.0 or Section 6.3.

6.3 Termination for illegal activity or other activity. Except as specified above, SPIRITUAL entitled - but not obliged - to cease immediately the quality of user and delete from server SPIRITUAL Lists of Elements and any other data or reference to you, if SPIRITUAL, at its discretion, sure determines or is in any way aware that the user is involved in illegal activities or the sale of illegal goods or services, or to be involved in sales that may damage the rights of SPIRITUAL or third parties, including, without but not limited to, violation of any situation specified in Section 3.0, or has entered URL obscene or which may be offensive to human dignity racially, ethnically, sexually or otherwise, or has entered URL defamatory, libelous or adversely affect the privacy or property rights, including intellectual property of any person, in any event listed in Section 6.3 the termination will take effect immediately and the User shall have no right to remedy.

6.4 The User expressly acknowledges that the provisions under the Contract shall prevail over any other rule set as derogated by the law.

6.5 Deletion of information. Immediately after the termination, SPIRITUAL reserves the right to remove from its servers any and all information the User.

6.6 The provisions set forth in Section 11.0 (Indemnification) of this Agreement shall remain in force even after the termination of this Agreement.

7.0 Changes to the terms of service

SPIRITUAL may modify the terms and conditions of the "contract" when it sees fit. SPIRITUAL communicate through their own public pages of the site in the sections mentioned in paragraph 2.0, any modification of the terms and conditions of the "contract" to you immediately after it is made. By continuing to use the Service, you agree implicitly changes. If the user did not intend to accept the changes, you may terminate its relationship with SPIRITUAL at any time by notice via e-mail to staff@spiritual.eu

8.0 Changes to the service

SPIRITUAL reserves the right to modify or discontinue the Service with or without prior notice to you. SPIRITUAL will not be liable to you or any third party in the event that exercises its right to modify or discontinue the Service.

9.0 Suspension of service

SPIRITUAL reserves the right to suspend the Service for any reason and / or cause at any time and with immediate effect. The suspension will be accompanied by written communication or by e-mail in accordance with the requirements of Section 14.0 in relation to communications.

10.0 Prohibition on the sale or transfer of service

You agree not to resell or assign to third parties in any way the rights and obligations arising from the "Agreement" without the prior express written permission of SPIRITUAL.

11.0 Indemnity

You represent and warrant that you indemnify and hold harmless SPIRITUAL and this company subsidiaries, or parent, subsidiary or associated companies, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees and agents, from any legal action, claim or demand, made by third parties including the payment of any legal fees resulting from improper use of the Service by you, the goods or services included in the User's Web site, from any infringement of '"Contract", or any violation of third party rights, including , including but not limited to, the disclosure by the User of any content, data, image, trademark, logo or other identifying mark or distinctive associated or otherwise connected to the URL specified in your account, or your violation of any other right intellectual property, patent or copyright. SPIRITUAL reserves the right, in any case, the right to take legal action to protect their rights, without prejudice to the responsibility of the user and indemnification obligations assumed by the above.

12.0 Notice of 'user

12.1 SPIRITUAL accordance with the provisions of the legislation on protection of personal data, processes the information and data of the user on the server using adequate security measures. You acknowledge and agree that SPIRITUAL uses the customer information in aggregate for marketing or promotional purposes.

12.2 The User acknowledges that SPIRITUAL disclose, in good faith, if it considers that the information about you that is reasonably necessary to: (a) in compliance with the law, (b) for the observance of legal or other forward authorities, (c) to fulfill the "Agreement", (d) respond to claims that the website is involved in activities that User violates the rights of third parties, or (e) protect the rights or interests of SPIRITUAL or other, it being understood that any disclosure obligation exists against SPIRITUAL.

12.3 Password. You may receive a password in order to access SPIRITUAL "Services", not even for a fee. The User is solely responsible for any and all uses that may be made under your account name and password. You acknowledge and agree to keep your password secret and not allow any other person or company to use its account, and notify SPIRITUAL promptly if the user has reason to believe that the security of your account has been compromised.

12.4 Technical Access. You acknowledge that SPIRITUAL can access to any User account and password and its contents, if it deems it necessary to identify or resolve technical problems or respond to complaints about the service.

13.0 Force majeure

Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure in performance to the Contract that are directly or indirectly from acts or events that are outside of their control.

14.0 Communications

Any notice or communication provided by the "Agreement" must be made in writing by email or letter with a / king shall be deemed received by e-mail, upon confirmation of receipt to the address stated in this Agreement, by registered mail, at the time receiving the postcard. SPIRITUAL communications should be addressed to staff@spiritual.eu or by mail to Spiritual / co GROUP 4 S.R.L. Via Carducci 26, 35123 Padova (IT)
SPIRITUAL send the notice to you at the e-mail from those specified in the Registration Form.

15.0 Agreement effective

The "Contract" is the only valid and enforceable agreement between the parties with respect to the object to which it refers and supersedes all previous proposals, both oral and written, negotiations, representations, writings and all types of communication having the same object, which have taken in advance by the parties.

© 1998-2024 Spiritual® and Spiritual Search® are registered trademarks. The reproduction, even partial, of Spiritual contents is prohibited. Spiritual is not responsible in any way of the contents of the linked websites. Publishing House: Gruppo 4 s.r.l. VAT Registration number PD 02709800284 - IT E.U.
E-mail: staff@spiritual.eu

Engineered by Gruppo 4 s.r.l.