Fri, 28 February 2025



How to register to Spiritual RSS

This free tool will allow you to be updated in real time about Spiritual news, culture, events and horoscopes.

Spiritual RSS Feed

To use the feed, click with the right side of your mouse on the button RSS, choose "copy link" and paste the link in your favourite aggregator.

About the RSS Feed ?

A RSS feed can be read in two ways: with special softwares called news aggregator (or feed readers) or by inclusion in a webpage with the insertion of a few lines of code, so that you can have a personal box in your website with the updates of your favourite news.

To get access to the RSS service you need a news reader, or aggregator. These softwares receive and memorize the RSS channels of your favourite news or info, which you get in real time every time they are published in their original websites.

You can download aggregators from the internet for free or against a fee easily and securely. They vary according to your computer type, your operative system or browser.

How to use Spiritual feed:
- click on the button RSS in the chosen section (orange or blue RSS button).
- click with the right side of your mouse on the buttons "RSS feed" in the chosen section and select "copy address" or "copy link"
- paste the address or link in your software. The chosen feed is added to your favourites.

Now every update will reach you automatically.
Freeware RSS readers:

FeedReader (per Windows)
Straw (Linux)
Netnewswire Lite (Mac OS X)
Google Reader

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