Wed, 24 April 2024





A Good Cry

Apparently, women cry more than men. Women are said to have shorter tear ducts, so the tears make it to the surface easier, although that sounds like a flimsy reason. Also, our tears contain different hormones to men's tears.

Researchers can indeed tell the difference between a sad tear or an angry tear from its chemical make-up. Actually, crying, while it can be messy, ugly and give us a headache, is a brilliant way to release tension and cleanse the mind.

Crying is a much better way to release negative emotions than becoming violent or having a huge row, and while crying is unfortunately associated with weakness thanks to the historical opinions of the patriarchy - men who cry being weak and women being the weaker sex - a good cry can do wonders for the soul and put us more in touch with our emotions than those stoic people who go through life with nary a chin wobble.

Crying can release feel-good hormones like endorphins and oxytocin. Kids are proof of this when they combust into tears and are smiling and laughing shortly afterwards, but it can be harder for adults, with societal expectations and our pride, to let go.

Unfortunately, society is still uncomfortable with public emotion, so we gulp down our tears and continue teetering along our knife-edge until we can let loose in private. But the resulting relief and lightness will be worth it and may help us cope with the state of the world a little better.

Photo: SN


Date: 25 March 2022
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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