Fri, 19 April 2024





A Horn In The Back Of Our Head

Younger generations seem to be developing horns in the back of their skulls due to the extended use of technology like smartphones and tablets.
Two Australian researchers made the bizarre discovery while examining hundreds of X-rays of people aged between 18 and 30, finding almost half had developed bone growths.
Dr Shahar said the study looked at 218 X-ray images of people aged between 18 and 30 and found 41 per cent had developed a "horn-like" bony lump at the back of their heads, ranging in size from 10 millimetres to 30 millimetres.
Additional testing, including MRI scans, ruled out the possibility that the bone growths were the result of genetics or injury.
They're the kind of spurs normally seen in hunched-over elderly people who've subjected their bodies to long-term poor posture and significant stress loads on their bones.
But the presence of the "horn-like" skull growths raise serious concerns about what extended use of phones is doing to young people's bodies.

Photo: XRays


Date: 14 February 2020
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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