Wed, 24 April 2024





Dry Lips? A DIY Balm!

In winter lips can feel dry and flaky. But often slathering on lip balm doesn’t seem to make any difference. Actually, some lip balms can make chapped lips even worse as specific ingredients can be particularly irritating or drying. Salicylic acid, menthol, camphor and phenols can add to the problem.

When choosing a lip balm, many dermatologists recommend simple products like glycerin or shea butter. Alternatively, pick up just a few simple ingredients like 1 teaspoon shea butter, 1 teaspoon beeswax, 1/2 teaspoon virgin coconut oil, 5 drops essential oil and 1 vitamin E tablet.

Melt the beeswax, butter and coconut oil in a small bowl standing inside a bowl of hot water. Mix in the essential oil and vitamin E, then pour into a small container and allow to cool.

Photo: Alternative


Date: 6 January 2019
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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