Thu, 25 April 2024





Four Household Endocrine Disrupters…

There are chemicals that can cause problems in all of the body's major systems, leading to diseases like high blood pressure, cancer, brain damage and infertility. Unfortunately, they are quite common. A list has been published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), an American activist group that specialises in research about toxic chemicals and corporate accountability.

BPA, commonly found in plastics, mimics the hormone oestrogen, and has links to breast cancer, reproductive problems, obesity, asthma, tooth decay, early puberty, blood pressure and heart disease. Studies show that more than 90% of Americans have BPA in their bodies.

The best ways to avoid BPA are to steer clear of plastics, particularly when it comes to food packaging. Choose fresh foods over canned and opt for a glass water bottle instead of plastic.

Dioxin is a byproduct of many industrial processes that involve combustion and it can also be created by natural causes such as volcanic eruptions or forest fires. Dioxins accumulate in the fatty tissues of animals and work their way up the food chain. Humans are primarily exposed through meat and dairy products, fish and shellfish. In the body, it can disrupt the signals of both male and female sex hormones.

The best way to limit exposure is to reduce your consumption of meat, dairy products and fish.

Atrazine is a common agricultural herbicide. Sprayed on corn crops, it ends up into water sources for both humans and animals. Studies have found that even low levels of atrazine can turn male frogs into females. Atrazine has been linked to birth defects, breast tumours, delayed puberty and prostate disorders.

A water filter can remove atrazine from your drinking water and organic produce will keep atrazine out of your house and out of the environment.

Phthalates are chemical additives that make plastics flexible but have been linked to high blood pressure, ADHD, infertility, obesity, birth defects, thyroid dysfunction and diabetes.

Avoid plastics with the recycling label #3 as these are made from PVC and likely contain phthalates. In the beauty aisle, check product labels and avoid any that list the ambiguous ingredient "fragrance," as this may mean the product contains hidden phthalates.

Photo: Rivet


Date: 31 May 2019
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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