Fri, 19 April 2024





Pyt, A Way Of Life

Some words just can’t be translated. They belong to the sensitivity and gist of a nation. Denmark, “the happiest nation ever”, uses “pyt” to face whatever negative events may cross your daily life.

Voted the nation's favorite word of 2018, it means literally “puddle”, but it indicates a reaction to everyday little misfortunes, a philosophy of life. You find yourself in traffic that will make you late? Pyt, you'll get there eventually. Spilled coffee on your shirt? Pyt, it happens. The weather forecast shows rain for your outdoor dinner party? Pyt, pyt, you'll make the best of it.

As Karen Rosinger writes in an extensive BBC travel article, this short word carry enormous weight for Danes, helping people let go of things they can't change:

“Some interpretations include ‘never mind’, ‘don’t worry’ or ‘forget about it’ — but these expressions don’t convey the positive aspect of the word. ‘Pyt’ is used to express that you accept a situation is out of your control, and even though you might be annoyed or frustrated, you decide not to waste unnecessary energy on thinking more about it. You accept it and move on. ‘Pyt’ is also used to comfort other people and diffuse unfortunate situations."

Photo: International


Date: 15 March 2019
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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