Wed, 24 April 2024





Red Wine, Chocolate and Beer

What do they have in common? Their anti-inflammatory properties.

Are they good for you? According to researchers at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Poland, they can be - if taken responsibly.

The team carried out a study of around 70,000 men and women whose lifestyles were closely examined during a 16-year period, concluding that an anti-inflammatory diet that includes chocolate, red wine and beer could be the key to a longer lifespan.

Comparing the mortality of those who followed an anti-inflammatory diet and those who didn’t, the team concluded that those who followed an anti-inflammatory diet, regularly eating foods such as fruits, vegetables, tea, coffee, nuts, chocolate and moderate amounts of red wine and beer, had an 18 per cent lower risk of death. Furthermore, they also had a 20 per cent lower risk of cardiovascular mortality and a 13 per cent reduced risk of death caused by cancer.

The study was published in the Journal of Internal Medicine.

Photo: News


Date: 21 September 2018
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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