Fri, 26 April 2024





Self-knowledge, starting with the 'person'

Starting a path on self-knowledge, it is necessary to become aware of the psycho-physical qualities that are in store for the person we embody, so as not to be unprepared for the eventualities that await us and not to be misled by the negative propensities of the mind.

Since the categories have existed, that is, since the concepts of high and low, good and bad, masculine and feminine, bright and dark were born in human society, an integrative way has always been sought that could make the interrelation of those forces understandable, which always co-act in all mutations.

For example, the Buddhist faith is defined as "the middle way", there is also the Christian saying "love others as yourself" or the doctrine of "solve et coagula" of the various philosophical orders.

Becoming listeners first and then integrating reworkers, this continuous acceptance of the possibilities present at the occasion without pushing for a pre-established solution is my middle ground.

However, the truth of the intentions must be tested for evidence of the facts. When we examine the way in which we place ourselves in the current change we immediately discover if our feeling and acting are truly genuine and in tune, part of the movement in progress (and this regardless of the result obtained) or is it just frustrating acting….

I must say that my conformation leads me to an approach towards society that I would define as a "half-hearted", considering the active respectable like Yang and the passive unconcerned like Yin, being a half-hearted gives me the opportunity to interact with both worlds, to understand the reasons and in part to share their choices.

This means that having to make a talk on this self-knowledge I spontaneously sympathize both with those who want and can share my position but also with those who do not want to have anything to do with these "psychic fantasies".

It is true, with this indifferent attitude, sharing suffers, the product does not sell well - as they say in commercial jargon - but at least we feel free not to be sold ourselves ...

Paolo D'Arpini


Date: 25 December 2020
Credits Publisher: self-knowledge-starting-with-person.html
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