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Spirituality, freedom and laity

Spirituality does not belong to any religion; it is the true nature of man. The spirit is present in all that exists, therefore it cannot be reached through a specific path, since it is already there even in the attempt to pursue it.

Laity is the condition of absolute "freedom" from any constituted thought form, be it ideological or religious. “Laikos”, in Greek, means one who is outside any social and religious context, or who does not belong to any social or confessional order.

When we talk about spiritual research we do not mean pursuing a codified path, a fideistic norm, a belonging to a creed; the spiritual seeker is simply the one who looks at himself, the one who recognizes the Whole in himself and himself as the Whole.

From this point of view the spiritual search can be considered a strictly personal fact, therefore the true spiritual seeker is absolutely secular, at the same time he recognizes what is in him as present in everything else. Reconciling one's personal path with that of anyone else means knowing how to flow without obstructing, learning and transmitting without expecting, in short, it is about making peace with ourselves and with others.

This absolute freedom also includes absolute love and respect, as there are no assumptions of pre-established positions and absolutist references to a specific path.

Lay Spirituality is a way in which there can be no dogmas or religious indications. This is the way in which no way is followed. The path is completely absent, in secular spirituality what matters is the simple presence to oneself and this cannot be a path but a simple attention to the state in which one is.

Consciousness is aware of consciousness.

And it is normal that this is so since secular spirituality cannot be anything new but only a "way of describing" something that is already there, in fact if that something was not already there what sense would it be "aware" of it?

Therefore Lay Spirituality and Awareness are one and the same thing. But we know that pure self-awareness is unfortunately often tainted by superimposed images, created by our mind, these images are what we have imagined spirituality could be.

Accepting oneself as something completely unfathomable and unknowable, not referable to any axiom of ideological or religious derivation, means to remain suspended in the void being empty. Impossible to be able to see the boundaries of one's being. This lack of identification in any structural form (of thought or otherwise) is at the same time also the "force" of lay spirituality.

There are no safe ports of call, there is no boat, there is no sea, no one and nothing to seek ... only the current of life, of consciousness, only the sense of being present. In this lack of conditions it is possible to feel our ego surrender, our mind melt, thus discovering the "Center" which in truth is not a center because it is all that is, without center or periphery.

The feeling of lay spirituality is comparable to the feeling of deep ecology. Indeed, both share the full awareness of belonging to an "inseparable whole". Deep ecology deals more with the external aspect of this "whole" while secular spirituality deals with the interior aspect. Through this external-internal integration we fill a huge gap in thought and action.

Everything that surrounds us and we ourselves are the exact same thing, we are immersed in ourselves like water in water and yet we continue to behave as if we were separate, having what we believe "is outside us" as if it were "other" from us. Is there a greater wonder than this?

Paolo D'Arpini


Date: 10 December 2020
Credits Publisher: Paolo D'Arpini - lay-spirituality-deep-ecology-and.html
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