Fri, 19 April 2024





The Dangers Of Sparkling Water

The pleasant feeling in your mouth after you take a sip of sparkling water, or any carbonated drink, is actually the chemical activation of the pain receptors on your tongue. No harm in this, the problem with acidic drinks is the harm it can cause to our teeth.

Sparkling water is made by injecting pressurised carbon dioxide into water. This produces carbonic acid with a weak acidic pH of between three and four. When our teeth are lathered in acid from carbonated drinks often, more tooth minerals are dissolved out and into our saliva creating tiny pores in our teeth leading to erosion.

Although sparkling water is the better option than flavoured fizzy drinks, still water is still always going to be best for your teeth. Keeping hydrated is essential for body functions so increasing your fluid intake without damaging your teeth is best done by drinking still water.

Photo: Fizz


Date: 17 January 2020
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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