Fri, 19 April 2024





The Time Switch Fatigue

Each year, this switch to Summer Time causes a range of surprising events, including an increase in incidents of heart attack, stroke and car crashes. It’s an apparently small change, but even just one hour can interfere with our internal body clock. And this can result in feeling tired or groggy, with a loss of concentration.

If you suffer from sleeping issues like insomnia, the effect can be even more pronounced. Knowing that you are going to sleep less anyway can increase anxiety, causing some to lose more than an hour of shut-eye and fuelling sleep deprivation further.

We can limit the impact of the time change on our body and mind with some lifestyle changes in the days running up to switch. Gradually changing your sleeping pattern in the previous days is the most important one. We should switch off your smartphone a little earlier to allow our mind to drift towards silence and rest.

On Sunday we should avoid having a lie-in as this will make us feel groggier and disrupt your body clock even further. We should get outside on Sunday morning to allow our body to feel natural sunlight. After all melatonine, the sleep hormone, is sensitive to sunlight.

Photo: Quote


Date: 23 March 2018
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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