Sat, 27 July 2024

Public Profiles



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Public Profile

Valentina Scognamiglio

Address: - Roma - RM - IT
Categories: Meditation
Activities:Meetings and events:0Web sites:0Videos:0Publications:0


Valentina Scognamiglio Has Been Searching On Spiritual Paths For A Long Time From Both Eastern And Western Traditions.
Since 2003 she is Reiki Master according the Tibetan - Usui Shiki Ryoho traditions and she is a Certified Teacher of the SCHOOL OF REMEMBERING® by Drunvalo Melchizedek, that includes all his experience and knowledge about the human consciousness in his latest workshop called "Awakening the Illuminated Heart".

She is an energetic and spiritual healer, and most important, she is at service of Mother Earth and all Creation.


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