Sun, 16 February 2025

Web Sites - Scientology

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Church of Scientology Mission of Palo Alto, California

Find out about Scientology and Dianetics services at the Church of Scientology Mission of Palo Alto.…
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Scientologi: Tankens grundbegreber

Danish site about the basic book about Scientology with all the fundamental elements of this…
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Road to Self-Respect

Traces L. Ron Hubbard's route to discovery of solutions to society's declining ethics, morals and…
Web site

Scientology Technology to Help Children

Scientology technology, books, literature and courses giving practical parenting information to help…
Web site

L. Ron Hubbard - Education

L. Ron Hubbard’ s concern for education began when he realized the “ influence of a mislearned word…
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Scientologi Kirken Jylland

At der findes en metode til, at du selv kan gø re en forskel — og begynde at hjæ lpe personen lige…
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Scientologi Kirken Danmark

“ Vi respekterer mennesket og mener, det er væ rd at hjæ lpe det. Vi respekterer dig og tror, at…
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Church of Scientology of Harare

As the official center for the Church of Scientology in Harare we want to invite you to come to our…
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Church of Scientology Sydney, Australia

The Church of Scientology Sydney, Australia - in today's world, where crime and violence are all too…
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Church of Scientology of San Diego

Scientology contains a workable technology of the mind and spirit which contains real solutions to…

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