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2020, year of the (metal) Mouse

Starts on January 25, 2020, ends on February 11, 2021

The Mouse in the Book of Changes is assigned the hexagram number 2, Kun (The Earth - the central matrix). In China, the North and winter are the place and the moment dedicated to the Mouse, which finds shelter in the bowels of the Earth. In fact, he was born in the season of cold, darkness and night (his hours range from 11pm to 1am). This is the period of accumulation, and the Mouse -you know- is a large accumulator. It is also the time to make survival plans because only with adequate preparations can we get out of the contingent situation in which we find ourselves. For these reasons, we too will be driven to a preparatory reflection for conservation, or maintenance, intended as life span.

All Chinese archetypes associate themselves with the different elements (Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, Fire) and this causes the aspects of the animal itself to be modified; its psychic characteristics and its propensities are "colored" differently according to the elements to which they match. This year, from 25 January 2020, the year of the Metal Mouse begins, which lasts until 11 February 2021. The year features a refined type, a little hedonistic and lover of the established order, intelligent, jealous, with strong self-awareness. The previous years of the Metal Mouse were 1900 and 1960. Two important moments for human society, in 1900 it can be said that the industrial age began and in 1960 the scientific and intellectual renewal took great strength. In general, those born in the year of the mouse are very intuitive and reactive, characteristics that help to adapt always to new situations. The natives of the mouse also have a rich imagination and are keen observers, they are curious and prefer to experience everything firsthand and try everything on their skin.

For those born in 1960 (previous year Metal Mouse) 2020 will be their year of fulfillment, of rebirth in the same body (corresponding to the 60th year of age), it will be a year of growth, transition and transition. A couple of tips to these Mice: on a professional level, don't be intimidated by criticisms, while on a financial level, you avoid long-term investments, think and act day by day, in the here and now.

And now some explanations on the origin of the Chinese lunar calendar can be traced back to 2637 BC. when Emperor Huang Ti started counting time. It is said that at the time he was sixty-one years old, the fact suggests that this system had already been in use for a long time before .... In fact, the cycle of the 12 archetypes related to the 5 elements requires a period of 60 years to complete a complete turn, this means that at the 60th birthday conditions similar to those present at the time of birth are proposed. A curiosity: in China and Japan people who are 60 years old wear red, as a symbol of rebirth.

As for the influence of the elements on the different animal archetypes we should try to integrate all aspects and propensities to avoid creating disharmonies due to the repression of some traits and this possibility could even lead to an "explosion" of the neglected characteristics (which manifested in the form of illness or malaise). Adhering to the qualities of space-time such as the seasons of the year or the zodiacal moments we can find the most suitable periods to express our expressive qualities. This in particular applies to the mouse archetype, which absolutely represents the ability of survival and acquisition in any condition life occurs. To this must also be added the directions of belonging and the spatio-temporal qualities. The Mouse - we said - is responsible for the North and winter - its position in the Hindu order is that of Rati Priti (attachment), as described in the text "The serpent Power" by Sir John Woodroffe. And it represents what is hidden, accumulation of supplies, closeness in the clan. The Metal element that characterizes the Mouse of 2020 corresponds to Justice, as an order, sanctioning the evolutionary history of man (see the various historical and proto-historical ages); in the Chinese symbolism the metal is represented by white gold, synonymous with cleanliness and purity.

General analysis of the different archetypal characteristics
Knowing the qualities of the animal and the reference hexagram we will be able to understand the meanings that concern us, being we a "unicum" created by the encounter of various energetic aspects. The final picture obtained is a complete image of the individual, in its three aspects: sense of self, intellect, memory (integrated). In the Book of Changes, two possible attitudes are suggested to the consultant: that of the Via Noble and that of the Via Ignoble; in the first case they are actions in favor of the community and the whole, in the second of individual egoic actions. They correspond to different evolutionary levels.

The Opposites in the Circle of Archetypes:
In addition to there being consequentiality in the formation of each archetype from the previous one, there is also a correlation between an archetype and the one found at the opposite cardinal point (as regards the Mouse, the opposite is the Horse located in the summer, and in the midday hours) . The quality of the two opposites starts from the center and radiates, manifesting antagonisms and oppositions which are actually different forms of the same energetic emanation of consciousness. It follows a function of the manifestation in double form, which derives precisely from the same source. The different opinions are nothing more than the expression of our experiential and prospective background. This phenomenon must be accepted as it is granted to us by God or by Nature as an Illuminating Ability but we must remember that it is a specular phenomenon, which has different aspects depending on the perspective from which one looks. This concept can help us avoid perching on our personalistic positions. The varied expansive capacity of consciousness creates archetypes; we must consider how everyone has the same importance and nature and everyone is inextricably linked to everyone else. For further study in this sense, the study of the behavior and psycho-physical characteristics of the twelve archetypal animals on texts of ethology and zoology is recommended, or they study the hexagrams indicated in the book of Changes.

According to the Book of Changes, creation occurs constantly through the encounter of Heaven and Earth, that is Energy and Matter, Consciousness and Form, but this description is not the sole prerogative of the I Ching, also other religions and philosophies (and also modern science) indicate movement, vibration or transformation, as the prime factor creating the world. The kinetic energy released through the change that occurred in the original static "quid" has propagated in an apparently infinite development that uses the conducting channels of space and time. Whether it is called Verb, Om, Spirit or Tao is of little importance ...
I Ching - Hexagram KUN - Related to the mouse archetype

Below is the Kun trigram and above is the Kun trigram - All lines are broken.

The sentence.
The receptive sublime work succeeded,
propitious for the perseverance of a mare.
If the nobleman has something to learn
and he wants to proceed he gets lost;
if it follows, find a guide.
Auspicious is to find friends in the West and in the South,
give up friends in the East and North.
Peaceful perseverance brings health.

Comment on the decision.
The sublimity of the Receptive is indeed perfect. All beings owe their birth to him, because with dedication he welcomes the Celestial.

Explanation. The size of the Receptive is defined as "perfect". Perfect is what reaches the model, therefore the dependence on the Creative is implicit. The Creative is what generates because the soul comes from there. The Receptive is that which gives birth, that which welcomes in itself the Celestial seed and gives beings their body structure.

It is said in the commentary on the Hexagram:

Preceding causes bewilderment because you lose your way.
Follow in dedication, so you get the lasting position.

If the Receptive (the Mind) wanted to go forward on his own initiative he would deviate from his natural disposition and would lose the way. On the other hand, by following the Creator (the Spirit) with dedication, he arrives at his enduring position. In the west and south according to the regulations of King Wen are the daughters. While in the east and north are the children. Following the renunciation of friends Kun remains alone (the Earth is female). But this is good because the Feminine must be alone with the Masculine. In fact, the Earth must be alone with Heaven. The official must serve only the sovereign. The wife dedicate herself only to her husband.

The image.
The state of Earth is welcoming dedication.
Thus the nobleman holds up with the breadth of his nature
the outside world.

Explanation. The Earth accomplishes things by means of form, therefore it is called "state". So even the noble man must have a broad range of views, inner strength, compact character to be able to bear the world without being influenced by it.

Comment on six in fifth place (the place of the Noble or Sovereign):
"Yellow lower robe brings sublime health: beauty is interior"

Beauty is hidden and not exhibited. Yellow is the color of the medium and the size. The inner measure that acts outwards brings balance in every manifestation. Seriousness, concern and modesty are the qualities that are suitable for the Receptive. Only truth creates seriousness, only seriousness makes truth possible.

Paolo D'Arpini -


Date: 14 January 2020Author: Paolo D'Arpini
Credits Publisher: Paolo D'Arpini
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