Sat, 27 July 2024




The human position in the context of life on the planet

The human position
In this last century man has become the greatest burden for planet Earth, we are too many and we pollute tremendously and steal space from the wild. All of this is undeniably true, but I cannot propose final solutions and hope for armageddon, as many deluded people do, to solve the problem of maintaining a human civilization worthy of the name.

In deep ecology, the present condition is always indicated as the starting point for the subsequent change or repair… however, I consider that this society will not last long and it is good that there are "niches" for survival, from which to start again with new civilization paradigms in which to maintain a balance between man-nature-animals (says a poem: either they are saved or are lost together).

Even if it is not currently my specific task to "save the world" ("sed ab initium") I feel it is right to evoke this need. We are on the razor's edge and only life can show us the direction, at the right time. Idealism is useless! I would not like to express myself as the pope of a new religion, I have not adopted rules and commandments, my letters are only projections of thought, mental adjustments to identify new ways out. In fact, what are the "principles" for in daily life, in the daily survival of day by day, saving what can be saved without giving up one's own nature?...

Paolo D'Arpini - Italian Bioregional Network


Date: 17 January 2023Author: Paolo D'Arpini
Credits Publisher: /2023/01/the-human-position-in-context-of-life.html
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