Sat, 27 April 2024




Past, future ... and the everlasting present

Past, future
Time and space? From the point of view of "ultimate truth", Einstein's Theory of Relativity is like the discovery of hot water, in fact it is in the experience of every living being that consciousness is fixed in the present. The past is in the memory and the future in the imagination. The sense of presence is constant in the immediacy of the moment experienced. This is the substantial proof that time and space are only "concepts".

And this "truth" was affirmed millennia ago by some Indian sages who in the mantra of "perfection" stated: "This is all, that is all if you remove everything from everything, only everything remains". And what does it mean? It means that nothing can be abstracted from what it is, hence the hypothetical division into name and form, space and time, etc. it is only a hypothesis, a convention. Indeed, as the sage Ramana Maharshi stated: “The past and the future exist only in relation to the present. They too are present while they continue. Trying to want to know the past and the future, without knowing the truth of the present is like wanting to count without unity, one ".

In the conventional description of time we have the triad of past, present, future. But on closer inspection we discover that these divisions are actually meaningless.

The part of time that we are immediately aware of is the present, but this present is not a "point" but a continuous flow. In it both the past and the future dissolve and it is not possible to establish where one ends and the other begins. Evidently past, present and future are temporal distinctions but in fact they cannot be distinguished in experience.

Since experience or awareness is always present. It is the eternity of the present moment, where the past and the future are only superimposed concepts. And in overcoming these concepts, eternal reality is discovered.

So where is this time and space separated from us, who are consciousness? Being is substance while time and space are images.

That's right, space and time go together like two fellow cheaters, cat and fox trying to deceive the credulous Pinocchio: "sow your desires in us and you will become rich ...". But they are not real, they are produced by the empirical mind that needs a plot to manage its creations. They have no independent state apart from present awareness.

Back and forth, above and below, near and far have no value when considered outside the here and now. And if we investigate the nature of the here and now we discover that it is unintelligible, indivisible, indecipherable ... it is only present, it is only constant and continuous experience. And this experience is common to all, it is the background of every individual consciousness, therefore it is the matrix that unites us all.

But we see that the hypothetical separation of space and time is necessary in the deterministic consideration of empirical analysis, in relation to the names and forms that we recognize in the world.

The spatial positions above and below, right and left, etc. they are accepted in reference to a given point and to a given instant, as well as past, present and future are changes of distinction in the mental flow. Therefore what is involved in the concept of space and time is only the identifying "point" to which we refer, say the body or the mind. So the body or mind can change while the state of awareness never changes .. it is in being eternally present in the here and now.

"I am, time and space are not!"

Maybe we feel a little lost in this journey with no beginning or destination? Here comes to our help, to quell the doubts that the mind poses to us, a beautiful lesson from the wise Nisargadatta Maharaj: “… what makes the present so full? Obviously my presence, I am real because I am always now, in the present, and everything I experience shares my reality. The current event has a peculiarity that cannot have the one remembered or the one imagined. Something centered in the now and here is totally with me, it is my own reality that imparts reality to the lived experience "

Thus we discover that the so-called "casuation" is placed in the mind, a sort of reflection or process induced by the observed development of events in space-time, which does not exist ...

And the theory of the Big Bang, of creation, etc.? Well, the mind needs to believe in something solid to maintain its fictitious integrity ...

Paolo D’Arpini


Date: 9 November 2020Author: Paolo D'Arpini
Credits Publisher: Paolo D’Arpini -
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